Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 5

So on Thursday, we didn't do anything because nobody showed up. It was okay though. Nathan and I just chilled and rested up. Then we went and cleaned up Coke Memorial and then went to the beach. It was a nice rest day.

Today was awesome!  Karen, Christi, Brittany, James, Jade, Nathan and I went to this cool beach thing and prayed about Fox hill, Nassau, and our day! It was really good. Then we went to Ranfurley Home and they said that they didn't have anything for us to do so we went to Fox hill one last time and played with kids and just loved on the community. It was a great time and an awesome way to end the week. We talked when we got back and then Karen and I learned some magic tricks. We're magicians now. Then we had our last youth group hang out time and it was fun. We played soccer tennis, pool, ping pong, cards, and dominoes! YAY

Tomorrow we're doing band practice at 10:30 and then we're going to the slide at crystal palace. We're ACTUALLY doing it this time! I'm really excited! I can't believe we only have 2 days left!

Love you!

1 comment:

  1. I remember those awesome magic card tricks you did with that one group of 16 we had... and how you stumped that one girl... good times..
