Saturday, July 16, 2011

monkey riding a dog.

We've had a lot of chill times this week and they were all good good times! 

Wednesday we played Ultimate Frisbee at 4 and it was SO HOT!!! I'm pretty sure we were playing on the sun! It was funny because we started and like 5 minutes in people just stopped playing but it was still good good times (mostly because I'm a boss at Ultimate)! After that we had a group of people come and watch Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows pt 1 and it was sooooo good! Shaquille got dead scared when the snakes jumped at the camera! haha

Thursday I read a ton of Crazy Love and got ready for the Worship Workshop. I had to pick Ethan (one of the youth) up from work and I got really lost and I was driving a large 17 passenger van and I was trying to turn around in some tiny driveway in and I had to do like a 22 point turn. I finally found the place and I got Ethan and we had Worship Workshop. That went really well. It was slow at first but more people showed up and the discussion got better and it was cool. After that we had chill time and like 10-15 youth came out and we played 4 square, pool, had a pillow fight and played ping pong. Hooray

Today, I found out that there was a documentary at the Sundance Festival about the abortion clinic and the pro life center across the street from each other on the corner of 12th and Delware IN FORT PIERCE!!! I watched it and it was wild! Then I finished Crazy Love and we had youth! A ton of kids came out and we played a ton of dominoes, ping pong, pool, and with Ali's ipad (that was rad)! I had a great time! The youth drank like 12- 2 liters of soda which was wild! 

Love you

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